And next unto them the Tekoites repaired; but their nobles put not their necks to the work of their Lord.

Ver. 5. The Tekoites repaired] The common sort of them; for the nobles refused. The lesser fishes bite best; the poor are gospelized, Matthew 11:5, destined to the diadem, James 2:5 .

But their nobles put not their necks] So haughty they were and high minded, they thought it a business below their greatness; somewhat of that profane earl of Westmoreland's mind, who said that he had no need to pray to God, for he had tenants enough to pray for him. "Not many mighty, not many noble," saith the apostle, 1 Corinthians 1:26; well if any. The lion and eagle were not for sacrifice, as the lamb and dove were. Yet the old nobility of Israel were forward with their staves of honour, and are therefore famous, Numbers 21:18 .

To the work of the Lord] Though they knew him to be Lord of lords, who are all his vassals and underlings; and, by special relation, their Lord, so avouched by these his holy day servants; yet so stiffnecked were they, that they would not stoop to his service; but cried out, as the Popish clergy do, Domine, nos sumus exempti, we may not work, we will not contribute.

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