So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work.

Ver. 6. So built we the wall] This followed upon his prayer, as a gracious answer to it; the people were encouraged, and the wall finished. Faithful prayer is never ineffectual. Reproaching is a heart breaking, Psalms 66:20, but so long as a Christian can pray he is not without his cordial. "I came for thy prayer," Daniel 10:12 .

And all the wall was joined together] Not with gold indeed (as Cassiodorus saith the walls of Susa in Persia were), but with that which was better than gold, faith in God's goodness and zeal of his glory.

Unto the half thereof] Unto half the height, for they could not do all at once: neither can we in the spiritual building; but grow up and increase with the increase of God, Colossians 2:19 .

For the people had a mind to work] And the more mind because they met with so much opposition. A free spirit is most seen, saith one, when there be most rubs in the way; when he that moves by outward poises will stick and be dull: as when a bowl runs up a hill, every bounce slows it; but when downhill, a bounce quickeneth it.

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