And Nehemiah, which [is] the Tirshatha, and Ezra the priest the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day [is] holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law.

Ver. 9. And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha] Or governor. See Ezra 2:63. He had Jovianus, the emperor's, wished happiness, which was, that he might govern wise men, and that wise men might govern him.

And Ezra the priest and scribe] See Nehemiah 8:3 .

And the Levites that taught the people] That numerus nominum, id est, hominum, of names that is of men, mentioned Nehemiah 8:7, men most happy in such melting hearers. We in this day do prevail as little as Bede did when he preached to a heap of stones.

This day is holy unto the Lord your God] Your mourning, therefore, now is as much out of season as Samson's wife's weeping was at her wedding. All God's worships were to be celebrated with joy, Deuteronomy 12:7, and sacrifices offered in mourning were abomination, Hosea 9:4. See Malachi 2:13. See Trapp on " Mal 2:13 "

Mourn not, nor weep] sc. Under sense of sin, and fear of wrath. This they were called to at another time, Isa 22:12 James 4:9,10; but everything is beautiful in its season, Ecclesiastes 3:11 .

For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the law] For like cause as Josiah did, 2Ki 22:11; 2 Kings 22:19. His tender heart was troubled and terrified by the menaces of God's mouth uttered against his and the people's sins. Hence some infer that it was the decalogue, together with the malediction, that was now read and applied; and that made them weep so fast. Get thee God's law, saith holy Bradford, as a glass to look in, so shall you see your face foul arrayed, and so shameful, mangy, pockey, and scabbed, that you cannot but be sorry at the contemplation thereof, especially if you look to the tag tied to God's law; which is such as cannot but make us cast our currish tails between our legs if we believe it. But O faithless hard hearts! O Jezebel's guests, rocked and laid asleep in her bed! &c. (Serm. of Rep.).

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