But they and our fathers dealt proudly, and hardened their necks, and hearkened not to thy commandments,

Ver. 16. But they and our fathers] God's mercies have been hitherto mentioned, that their sins might thereby be aggravated; for good turns aggravate unkindness; and men's sins are much increased by their obligations. It is charged upon Solomon as a foul fault, that he departed from the Lord, who had appeared unto him twice, 1 Kings 11:9 .

Dealt proudly] Pride is the master pock of the soul, and the root of rebellion against God, Psalms 119:21 .

And hardened their necks] As unruly beasts, that will not bear the yoke; lawless and aweless persons, that refuse to be reformed, hate to be healed.

And hearkened not to thy commandments] But rather to the devil's whistle, calling them off from better practices.

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