Because he hath despised the word of the LORD, and hath broken his commandment, that soul shall utterly be cut off; his iniquity [shall be] upon him.

Ver. 31. That gathered sticks upon the Sabbath day.] This he did with a high hand, as Numbers 15:30, in contempt of God and his law. The baser sort of people in Sweden do always break the Sabbath day, saying, that it is only for gentlemen to keep that day. a How much better that poor Indian in New England, who, coming by, and seeing one of the English profaning of the Lord's day, by felling of a tree, said unto him, Do you not know that this is the Lord's day? Much machet man, i.e., very wicked man, what! break you God's day? b The best and wealthiest of the Jews, to prevent servile work on the Sabbath day, with their own hands chop the herbs, sweep the house, cleave wood, kindle the fire, &c., on the day before. c

a Mr Abbot's Sermons.

b New England's Firstfruits, p. 4.

c Buxtorf. Synagog.

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