All the best of the oil, and all the best of the wine, and of the wheat, the firstfruits of them which they shall offer unto the LORD, them have I given thee.

Ver. 12. All the best of the oil.] Heb., The fat. God can afford the ministers the best of the best, though the most now-a-days think the worst too good for them.

Which they shall offer.] Not appointing them how much, but leaving that to the people's liberality. And what that was, let Philo a the Jew speak, who well knew the customs of his own nation, and tells us, that all things due to the priests were paid very freely, and most cheerfully. At haec gens debitam pecuniam lubens gaudensque depromit, saith he; This people willingly, and with rejoicing, draw out their money for the priests, not as if they gave, but received rather, adding happy forebodings and gratulations.

a Philo, De Sacerdot. Honor.

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