For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.

Ver. 9. From the top of the rocks I see him.] And have no power to hurt him. She heard me without daunting; I departed not without terror, when I opened the conspiracy against her life; howbeit, clothed with the best art I could; - said Parry the traitor concerning Queen Elizabeth. a Achilles was said to be Styge armatus, but Israel was Deo armatus, and therefore extra iactum.

Lo, the people shall dwell alone.] That they might have no meddling with the heathen. God would not have them lie near the sea coasts, for the Philistines lay between them and the sea, lest they should by commerce wax prouder, as Tyre did, Eze 27:3 and learn foreign fashions. See Esther 3:8. Hence Judea, though part of the continent, is called an "island." Isa 20:6

a Camden's Elisab.

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