And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who [were] weeping [before] the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

Ver. 6. In the sight of Moses.] This man's face was hatched over with detestable impudence; he thought, it may be, that being so great a man, none durst meddle with him. Pliny a reports of Proculus Caesar, that by him, viginti virgines intra dies quindecim faetum conceperunt. Louis II of France inviting our Edward IV to the French court, Recte erit cognate, saith he, iucundi vivemus et suaviter, teque oblectabis cum lectissimis faeminis, &c. - he should have added, "But know, that for all these things thou must come to judgment": Ecc 11:9 that would have haply allayed his lust, cooled his courage, and not have come in with his - Adhibebo tibi Cardinalem Borbonium; is, quicquid peccaris, pro ea quam habet potestate, facile expiabit. Thou shalt take thy full pleasure, and then my cardinal shall give thee full pardon. b

a Plin, lib. vii.

b Comineus, lib. vi.

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