Wherefore, said they, if we have found grace in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession, [and] bring us not over Jordan.

Ver. 5. Let this land be given unto thy servants.] An unsavoury and unseasonable motion this might seem at first, and did, even to Moses himself, as appears in the next verse. And surely it is probable that they were too much set upon that portion of earth, as Lot was upon the plain of Sodom, Gen 13:10 and was therefore soon after carried captive by the four kings, as these in the text are noted to be the first that were carried captives out of their land. 1Ch 5:25-26 Strong affections cause strong afflictions; when God seeth people set upon it to have this or that, have it they may, but with an after-clap that shall dissweeten it. How was David crossed in his Absalom, Absalom in his kingdom, Amnon in his Tamar, Elkanah in his Hannah! 1Sa 1:5 He loved her, and the Lord made her barren.

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