Even those that were numbered of them after their families, were three thousand and two hundred.

Ver. 44. Three thousand and two hundred.] By this diversity of number among the Levite families, God showeth his wisdom, saith an interpreter, in fitting men for the work, whereunto he hath appointed them, whether it requireth multitude or gifts. "For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit, &c., dividing to every man severally as he will." 1Co 12:8 ; 1Co 12:12 It is reported, that in Luther's house was found written, Res et verba Philippus, res sine verbis Lutherus, verba sine re Erasmus, Melancthon hath both matter and words; Luther hath matter, but wants words; Erasmus hath words, but wants matter. Every one hath his own share: all are not alike gifted.

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