What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

Ver. 18. Christ is preached, &c.] Prorsus Satan est Lutherus, sed Christus vivit, et regnat, Amen, saith Luther in an epistle of his to Spalatinus; Luther is called a devil; but be it so, so long as Christ is magnified, I am well paid. All private respects should be drowned in the glory of God. But he is a base spirited man that is totus in se, entirely in himself, like the snail, still within doors, and at home. I would to God (saith Mr Dod) I were the worst minister in England; not wishing himself worse than he was, but other men better. Yea, Pedaretus, a heathen, a Lacedaemonian, when he was not chosen into the number of the three hundred counsellors of state, I thank thee, O God (said he), that thou hast given to this city so many men that are better than I am, and fitter to bear office.

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