I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

Ver. 12. I know both how, &c.] Sound bodies can bear sudden alternations of heat and cold: so cannot distempered bodies.

Both how to be abased] So Chilo (one of the seven wise men of Greece) said to his brother, who took it ill that he was not chosen to be one of the judges, I know how to be injuriously dealt with; but I hardly believe him. a Socrates also could tell Archelaus, that offered him large revenues, My mind and mine estate are matches. b But flesh and blood could never carry him so far, for all his saying so. It is God alone that fashioneth a man's heart to his estate, Psalms 33:15, as a suit of clothes is fitted to the body.

I am instructed] μεμυημαι, I am initiated; I am a young scholar, newly entered in this high point of heavenly learning of Christian practice. I have entered into religion, as it were, I have consecrated myself (the word is wondrous significant) and am religiously taught it; I see it is a mystery, but I have got the mastery of it.

To suffer want] Either patiently to wait for what I desire, or contentedly to lack what God denieth.

a Εγω μεν επισταμαι αδικεισθαι. Laert.

b Arrian. apud Stobaeum.

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