They that are of a froward heart [are] abomination to the LORD: but [such as are] upright in [their] way [are] his delight.

Ver. 20. They that are of a froward heart, &c.] Not only those that pursue and practise wickedness, but they also that harbour it in their hearts, are hated of God. Luk 16:15 A man may die of inward bleeding; a man may be damned for contemplative wickedness. Jer 4:14 The schools do well observe, that outward sins are maioris infamiae, greater notorieties, but inward heart sins are maioris reatus, greater guilt, as we see in devils.

But such as are upright in their way.] The antithesis requires that he should say, such as are "upright in heart." But he chooseth rather to say, "in their way," not only because a good heart ever makes a good life, but to meet with such as brag of the goodness of their hearts when their lives are altogether loose and licentious. Whereas holiness in the heart, as the candle in the lantern, well appears in the body. These boasters are ignorant, Rev 3:17 proud, Joh 9:40 carnal, Rom 8:6 therefore stark naught. Pro 19:2

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