He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.

Ver. 27. He that diligently seeketh good.] Heb., He that is up betime to promote the public good, as Joseph, who came not in till noon to eat meat; as Nehemiah, who willingly brake his sheep, and traded every talent for his people's comfort; as Scipio Africanus, who usually went before day into the capitol, in cellam Iovis, and there stayed a great while, quasi consultans de Rep. cum Iove, a as consulting with his god about the public welfare; whence his deeds were pleraque admiranda, saith mine author, - amiable and admirable, the most of them. And as Daniel, who though sick, yet rose up and did the king's business. Dan 8:27

It shall come to him.] It shall come certainly, suddenly, irresistibly, and, as we say of foul weather, unsent for. God will say to such, as Aulus Fulvius did to his traitorous son and then slew him, Non Catilinae te genui, sed patrice. The Lord shall pour upon him, and not spare, because he cruelly oppressed, spoiled his brother by violence, and did that which is not good among his people, therefore "he shall die in his iniquity." Eze 18:18

a Gell., lib. vii. cap. 1.

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