Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.

Ver. 4. Riches profit not in the day of wrath.] Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath. Zep 1:18 Isa 13:7 Yea, they carried away the richer Jews, when the poorer sort were left to till the land. 2Ki 24:14 The great Caliph of Babylon, whom all the Mohammedan princes honoured above all others, as the true successor of Mohammed, and the grand oracle of their law, being taken together with his city by the great Cham of Tartary, was by him set in the midst of his infinite treasure, and willed to feed thereon, and make no spare; in which order, the covetous wretch, being kept for certain days, miserably died for hunger, in the midst of those things, whereof he thought he should never have enough. a Wherefore should I die, being so rich? said that wretched Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester, in Henry VI's time. Fie, quoth he, will not death be hired? will money do nothing? b His riches could not reprieve him.

But righteousness delivereth from death.] See Trapp on " Pro 10:2 "

a Turk. Hist., fol. 113.

b Acts and Mon., fol. 925.

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