John Trapp Complete Commentary
Proverbs 12:3
A man shall not be established by wickedness: but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.
Ver. 3. A man shall not be established by wickedness.] For he lays his foundation upon firework, and brimstone is scattered upon his house top: if the fire of God from heaven but flash upon it, it will be all a flame immediately. He walks all day upon a mine of gunpowder; and hath God with his armies ready to run upon the thickest bosses of his buckler, and to hurl him to hell. How can this man be sure of anything? Cain built cities, but could not rest in them. Ahab begat seventy sons, but not one successor in the kingdom. Phocas having built a mighty wall, heard from heaven: "Though thy walls were as high as heaven, sin is under it, and will subvert it." a Aσταφμητον το κακον. Sin hath no settledness.
But the root of the righteous shall not be moved.] For though shaken with winds, yet they are rooted as trees; like a ship at anchor, they wag up and down, yet remove not. "God is my rock, I shall not be greatly moved." Psa 62:2 Nay, "I shall not be moved at all." Pro 12:6 "The gates of hell cannot do it." Mat 16:18 "None can pluck them out of God's hands," Joh 10:28 for he "hath laid help upon one that is mighty." Psa 89:19
a εαν υφοις τα ταιχη εως ουρανου ενδον το κακον, ευαλωτος η πολις .