A wise son [heareth] his father's instruction: but a scorner heareth not rebuke.

Ver. 1. A wise son heareth his father's instruction.] Heb., Is the instruction or discipline of his father; he was not natus sapiens, as Appollonius, sed factus, a not born wise to salvation, but made so by his father's discipline, as Solomon. Pro 4:4 See Trapp on " Pro 4:4 "

But a scorner heareth not rebuke.] Or, Heareth and jeereth; - as Lot's sons-in-law, as Eli's sons, and afterwards Samuel's. Samuel succeeds Eli in his cross, as well as in his place, though not in his sin of indulgence. God will shew that grace is by gift, not by inheritance or education. Ciceroni degenerem fuisse filium constat, et sapiens ille Socrates liberos habuit matri similiores quam patri, saith Seneca. Cicero had a son nothing like him; so had Socrates.

a Philostratus.

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