Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors [is] hard.

Ver. 15. Good understanding giveth favour.] See this exemplified in Joseph, David, Daniel, Paul. Acts 27:43 ; Act 28:2 God oft speaketh for such in the hearts of their enemies, who cannot but admire their piety and patience, and spend more thoughts about them than the world is aware of; as Darius did about Daniel when cast into the den. Natural conscience cannot but do homage to the image of God stamped upon the natures and works of the godly: when they see in them that which is above the ordinary nature of men, or their expectation, they are afraid of the name of God, whereby they are called, Deu 28:9-10 and are forced to say, "Surely this is a wise and understanding nation"; Deu 4:6 "God is in this people of a truth"; 1Co 14:25 "Certainly this was a righteous man." Luk 23:47

But the way of transgressors is hard.] Or, Rough and rugged. Satan is a rough, harsh spirit; hence devils are called Shegnirim, hairy ones, Lev 17:7 satyrs. Isa 34:14 So are all his; ανημεροι, fierce, "heady, highminded"; 2Ti 3:3-4 "Living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another." Tit 3:3 Such were Ishmael, Esau, Saul, Antiochus (that little Antichrist), the Pope, that Aντικειμενος, and our Richard III; who, well knowing it was no good policy to play the devil by half deal, resolved to leave never a rub to lie in the way that might hinder the running of his bowl; and hence was he so infinitely hated of all.

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