Righteousness keepeth [him that is] upright in the way: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.

Ver. 6. Righteousness keepeth him that is upright.] That, though belied or otherwise abused, he will not let go his integrity. Job 27:5 David's "feet stood on an even place." Psa 26:12 The spouse, though despoiled of her veil, and wounded by the watch, yet cleaves close to Christ. Son 5:7-8 Not but that the best are sometimes disquieted in such cases; for not the evenest weights but, at their first putting into the balance, somewhat sway both parts thereof, not without some show of inequality, which yet after some little motion, settle themselves in a meet poise and posture.

But wickedness overthroweth the sinner.] Heb., The sin; as if the man were transformed into sin's image. "What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria?" Mic 1:5 Tubulus quidam paulo supra Ciceronem Praetor fuit: homo tam proiecte improbus ut eius nomen non hominis sed vitii esse videretur, saith Lipsius. a The Pope is called "the man of sin," 2Th 2:3 to note him merum scelus, saith Beza, - made up merely of sin.

a Lips. Antiq. lect.

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