The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.

Ver. 14. The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge.] As a hungry man seeks meat, or a covetous man gold, the more he hath, the more he desires. Moses was no sooner off the mount where he had seen God face to face, but he cries, "Lord, shew me thy glory." David, that knew more than his teachers, cries ever and anon, "Teach me thy statutes." Job prefers knowledge before his necessary food. Pro 23:12 Chrysippus was so studious that he would not take time to eat his food, but had perished with hunger if his maid Melissa had not put food into his mouth. John ate the book that the angel gave him. Rev 10:9 Jacobus de Voragine and Petrus Comestor had their names from devouring the Bible. Let fools feed on foolishness, as swine do on swill, as flies do on blotches, as carrion kites do on stinking carcases, as Tartars do on dead camels, asses, dogs, cats, &c. The wise man finds no such sweetness in the most delicate and dainty dishes, as in the search after divine knowledge. Psa 119:103 Even Aristotle saith that a little knowledge, though conjectural, about heavenly things, is to be preferred above knowledge, though certain, about earthly things. And Agur saith, it is to "ascend into heaven." Pro 30:4

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