The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

Ver. 2. The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright.] Heb., Deals kindly with her; offers her no abuse, by venting her unseasonably, and making her overly cheap, and little set by. Eloquence wisely ordered is very commendable, and avails much: but what a poor praise was that to the Duke of Buckingham, that speaking to the Londoners in the behalf of that usurper, Richard III, he gained the commendation, that no man could deliver so much bad matter in so good words and quaint phrases. a Here was eloquentiae satis, sapientiae parum. The tongue was given us for better purpose; it was David's "glory," and he used it accordingly.

But the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.] Heb., Bubbleth it out; blurteth it out, as a fountain casteth out its waters, with a great force and swiftness: non quid, sed quantum, is all their care, being talkative above measure, and forward to utter whatsoever comes into their chaps: quicquid in buccam.

a Daniel's Hist.

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