The thoughts of the wicked [are] an abomination to the LORD: but [the words] of the pure [are] pleasant words.

Ver. 26. The thoughts of the wicked are abomination.] Let him not think to think at liberty. Thought is not free, as some fools would have it. To such God saith, "Hearken, O earth; behold I bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts." Jer 6:19 The very heathen could say, Fecit quisque quantum voluit, What evil a man wills he doth. And Incesta est et sine stupro quoe stuprum cupit. He that lusteth after a woman, hath lain with her in his heart. "If I regard iniquity in mine heart," saith David, "shall not God find this out, and for it reject my prayer?" Psa 66:18 Kimchi, being soured with Pharisaical leaven, makes this strange sense of that text: If I regard iniquity only in my heart, so that it break not forth into outward act, the Lord will not hear me - that is, he will not hear so as to impute it or account it a sin. But was not this caedem Scripturarum facere, as Tertullian hath it, to murder the Scripture, or at least to set it on the rack, so as to make it speak what it never intended, to force it to go two miles when it would go but one.

But the words of the pure are pleasant words.] Such as God books up, Mal 3:16 and makes hard shift to hear, as I may so say, for he "hearkens and hears" (ibid.). The rather because these pleasant words are the fruits and products of that law of grace within, that "good treasure," that habit of heavenly mindedness they have acquired. For though "the heart of the wicked be little worth," and as little set by, yet "the tongue of the just is as choice silver." Pro 10:20 See Trapp on " Pro 10:20 " He mints his words, and God lays them up as his riches, yea, looks upon them "as apples of gold in pictures of silver," Pro 25:11 as gold put in a case of cut-work of silver, which is no less precious than pleasant. Ecc 12:10 See Trapp on " Ecc 12:10 "

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