A fool despiseth his father's instruction: but he that regardeth reproof is prudent.

Ver. 5. A fool despiseth his father's instruction.] Heb., Entertains it with contumelious and opprobrious language; as a madman doth a potion offered him for his health. Jerome oft renders the word, "to blaspheme"; and indeed to reject good counsel, of a father especially, with scorn and reproach, is blasphemy in the second table.

But he that regardeth reproof, is prudent.] Wise he is, and wiser he will be. This made David prize and pray for a reprover. Psa 141:5 And it is said of Gerson, that great and wise chancellor of Paris, that he took pleasure in nothing more, quam si ab aliquo fraterne et charitative redargueretur, a than in a friendly reproof. The like is reported of Sir Anthony Cope, by Dr Harris, who preached his funeral; b and of that famous man of God, Mr William Wheatly, by Mr Scudder, who writes his life. He was glad, saith he, when any of the righteous smote him, and would take it well, not from his superiors only, but from his equals, and far inferiors. c

a In vita Gers.

b Samuel's Fun. Epist.

c Mr Wheatly's Archetyp., Pref.

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