In the house of the righteous [is] much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble.

Ver. 6. In the house of the righteous is much treasure.] Every righteous man is a rich man, whether he hath more or less of the things of this life. For, first, he hath plenty of that which is precious. Secondly, Propriety; what he hath is his own; he holds all in capite tenure a in Christ; he shall not be called to account as a usurper. "All is yours," 1Co 3:22 "because you are Christ's, and Christ is God's." And although he hath little, many times, in present possession, yet he is rich in reversion; rich in bills and bonds, rich in an apparent pledge, that is worth all the world besides - that is, in Christ; for, having given us his Son, "how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Rom 8:32

But in the revenues of the wicked are trouble.] For besides the curse of unsatisfiableness, in the very pursuit of them, he meets with many grievances, fears, jealousies, disgraces, interruptions, discontentments, and then, after the unsanctified enjoyment of them, follows the sting of conscience that dissweetens all, and that will unexpressibly vex and torment him through all eternity. "He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again; God shall cast them out of his belly." Job 20:15 Disgorge he shall surely those murdering morsels, either by remorse and restitution in the meantime, or with despair and impenitent horror hereafter.

a The name of a tenure (abolished by Act 12:1-25 Chas. II, xxiv.), by which land was held immediately of the King, or of the crown?

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