All the ways of a man [are] clean in his own eyes; but the LORD weigheth the spirits.

Ver. 2. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes.] Every man is apt to think well of his own doings, and would be sorry but his penny should be good silver. They that were born in hell know no other heaven; neither goes any man to hell but he hath some excuse for it. Quintilian could say, Sceleri nunquam defuisse rationem. As covetousness, so most other sins go cloaked and coloured. Sed sordet in conspectu iudiciis quod fulget in conspectu aestimantis. a All is not gold that gliters. A thing that I see in the night may shine, and that shining proceed from nothing but rottenness. Melius est pallens aurum, quam fulgens aurichalcum. b "That which is highly esteemed amongst men, is abomination in the sight of God." Luk 16:15

But the Lord weigheth the spirits.] Not speeches and actions only, as Proverbs 5:21, but men's aims and insides. Men see but the surface of things, and so are many times mistaken, but God's fiery eyes pierce into the inward parts, and there discover a newly found world of wickedness. He turns up the bottom of the bag, as Joseph's steward did, and then out come all our thefts and misdoings that had so long lain latent.

a Augustine.

b Bernard.

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