Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

Ver. 3. Commit thy works unto the Lord.] Depend upon him alone for direction and success; this is the readiest way to a holy security and sound settlement. Hang not in doubtful suspense, as meteors do in the air. Neither make discourses in the air, so one renders it, as those use to do, whose hearts are haunted with carking cares. Let not your thoughts be distracted about these things; so the Syriac hath it. But "cast your burden upon the Lord," Psa 55:22 by a writ of remove, as it were. Yea, "cast all your care upon God, for he careth for you." 1Pe 5:7 I will be "careless" according to my name, said John Careless, martyr. "Commit the matter to God, and he will effect it." Psa 37:5

And thy thoughts shall be established.] Never is the heart at rest till it repose upon God; till then it flickers up and down, as Noah's dove did upon the face of the flood, and found no footing till she returned to the ark. This is certain, saith a reverend divine, a yet living, so far as a soul can stay on and trust in God, so far it enjoys a sweet settlement and tranquillity of spirit. Perfect trust is blessed with a perfect peace. A famous instance for this we have in our Saviour, "Now is my soul troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour; but for this cause came I to this hour. Father, glorify thy name." Joh 12:27-28 All the while the eye of his humanity was fixed upon deliverance from the hour of temptation; there was no peace nor rest in his soul, because there he found not only uncertainty, but impossibility; "For this cause came I to this hour." But when he could come to this, "Father, glorify thy name" - when he could wait on, acquiesce in, and resign to the will of his Father - we never hear of any more objection, fear, or trouble. Thus he.

a Mr Case.

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