House and riches [are] the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife [is] from the LORD.

Ver. 14. House and riches are the inheritance of the fathers.] Viz., More immediately. God gives them to the parents, and they leave them to their children, being moved thereto by God. Though a carnal heart looks no higher than parents, cares not, so he may have it, whence he hath it. It is dos non Deus that maketh marriages with them - good enough, if goods enough. Money is the greatest meddler, and drives the bargain and business to an upshot. Mostly such matches prove unhappy and uncomfortable. How can it be otherwise, since Hic Deus nihil fecit? God indeed had a hand in it, but for their just punishment that so followed after lying vanities, and so forsook their own mercies.

But a prudent wife is of the Lord.] Nature makes a woman, election a wife; but to be prudent, wise, and virtuous is of the Lord. A good wife was one of the first real and royal gifts bestowed on Adam. God set all the creatures before him ere he gave him a wife, that, seeing no other fit help, he might prize such a gift; not a gift of industry, but of destiny, as one saith; for "marriages are made in heaven," as the common sort can say, and as very heathens acknowledge. The governor of Eskichisar, hearing Othoman the great Turk's relation of a fair lady whom he was in love with, and had highly commended for her virtues, seemed greatly to like his choice, saying that she was by the divine providence appointed only for him to have. a

a Turkish Hist., fol. 136.

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