That thou mayest walk in the way of good [men], and keep the paths of the righteous.

Ver. 20. That thou mayest walk in the way.] This is another work of wisdom - as to keep us from bad company, so to put us into good, where much good may be learned. Dr Taylor, martyr, rejoiced that ever he came in prison, there to be acquainted with that angel of God, John Bradford (so he called him). a Latimer and Ridley, while they lived, kept up Cranmer by intercourse of letters, and otherwise, from entertaining counsels of revolt. b A child having been brought up with Plato, returned home to his father's house, and, hearing his father to chide, and exclaim furiously in his anger, used these speeches to his father, "I have never seen the like with Plato." c

a Acts and Mon.

b Ibid.

c Sen., De Ira, lib. iii. cap. 11.

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