Every way of a man [is] right in his own eyes: but the LORD pondereth the hearts.

Ver. 2. Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.] See Trapp on " Pro 16:2 " Such is our sinful self-love, that, Suffenus-like, we easily admire that little nothing of any good that is in us; we so clasp and hug the barn of our own brain, with the ape, that we strangle it; we set up a counter for a thousand pounds, and boast of those graces whereunto we are perfect strangers. We turn the perspective telescope, and gladly see ourselves larger, others smaller than they are: we flatter our own souls as Micah did his. Jdg 17:13 Wherein it often happens as it did with the riflers of Semiramis' tomb, who, where they expected to find the richest treasure, met with a deadly poison. Seem we never so just, because first in our own cause, God - as Solomon saith of a man's neighhour - comes and searches us, and then things appear otherwise. Luk 16:15

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