An high look, and a proud heart, [and] the plowing of the wicked, [is] sin.

Ver. 4. An high look and proud heart.] See Trapp on " Pro 6:17 "

And the ploughing of the wicked is sin.] As they plot and plough mischief - being the devil's hinds and drudges - so all their actions, natural, moral, spiritual, are turned into sin; whether they plough, or play, or pray, or eat, or sleep, "to the impure and unbelieving, all things are impure." Tit 1:15 Their proud or big swollen heart is full of filthy corrupt matter, that oozeth out still and offendeth the eyes of God's glory. Everything they do is as an evil vapour reeking from that loathsome dunghill, worse than those that came up from the five cities of the plain. Pride is like copperas, which will turn wine or milk into ink; - or leaven, which turns a very passover into pollution; - or as the sanies pus of a plague sore, which will render the richest robe infectious.

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