Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

Ver. 10. Cast out the scorner.] Or, The evil interpreter, that construes everything to the worst, and so sows dissension. This is an evil instrument, and must be cashiered good company; the place where such a trouble town lives, longs for a vomit to spew him out. There is nothing that may not be taken with either hand. It is a spiritual unmannerliness to take it with the left, as that proud Pharisee did, Luk 7:34 and to cast it as an apple of contention among others. They that do thus are the pests of families, and other societies, and must therefore be carefully cast out with scoffing Ishmael, as ever we desire to avoid strife, suits at law, reproach, and many more mischiefs.

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