The eyes of the LORD preserve knowledge, and he overthroweth the words of the transgressor.

Ver. 12. The eyes of the Lord preserve knowledge.] That is, Knowing persons. Those in the former verse that love truth in the inward parts, and hold this a rule, Truth must be spoken, however it be taken; these, howsoever they may suffer for a season, as Daniel in the den, Micaiah in the stock house, yet the watchful providence of God will preserve them, and provide for them. He will clear their innocence, and so plead for them in the hearts of greatest princes, that they shall find the truth of this divine proverb, and the falsity of that other so common among men, Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit; Flattery gets friends, but truth hatred.

And he overthroweth the words (or matters) of the transgressors.] That is, Of the court parasites, who speak only pleasing things, et saepe leonum laudibus murem obruunt, flatter abominably, as those in Act 12:21-23 did Herod; as the false prophets did Ahab. God will confute and convince their soothing words of singular vanity; he will also overthrow their matters, attempts, practices, "as a man wipeth a dish, turning it upside down." 2Ki 21:13 See in that claw back Amalekite, 2Sa 1:4-10 in Ahithophel, Haman, Sejanus, &c.

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