For [it is] a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips.

Ver. 18. For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee.] Heb., In thy belly; that is, in thine inwards. Truth it is, that St John found the little book he ate - whether we understand it of the revelation only, or of the whole Bible, which Bishop Bonner's chaplain called in scorn his little pretty God's book, it much matters not - bitter in his belly, though sweet in his mouth, Rev 10:10 because ministers find it grievous to be kept from making known the whole counsel of God to their people. But the word of God attentively heard, and by a later meditation well digested and incorporated into the soul, is sweeter than honey, as David felt it; and yields more pleasure than all the tasteless fooleries of this present world.

They shall withal be fitted in thy lips.] Thou shalt need no other help to discourse: thou shalt get a singular dexterity and volubility of holy language, being able to utter thy mind in pure Scripture - Loquamur verba Scripturae, saith that incomparable Peter Ramus, utamur sermone Spiritus Sancti - thou shalt "so speak and so do, as one that must be judged by that law of liberty." Jam 2:12

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