Thorns [and] snares [are] in the way of the froward: he that doth keep his soul shall be far from them.

Ver. 5. Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward.] In opposition to the reward of righteousness; Pro 22:4 which is to say, "The ungodly are not so." Or if they have riches, they prove thorns to them to prick and choke their souls; if honour, and long life to enjoy it, these prove snares to them. Of carnal hearts it may be said, as Pharaoh said of the Israelites, "They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in." Exo 14:3 They have treasures in the field, of wheat, barley, and oil, as those ten men had, Jer 41:8 and are therefore loath to die. And yet before they die - live they never so long in all abundance of riches and honours - God can bring them to that pass that Charles V was at, whom of all men the world judged most happy. Philip of Mornay reports of him that he cursed his honours in his old age, his victories, trophies, riches, saying, Abite hinc, abite longe: Away, away, get you far away.

He that doth keep his soul, shall be far from them.] As well from the wicked man's miseries as his misdemeanours; he keeps aloof from both; he dares not meddle with the hole of the asp, lest he meet with a sting. Custos animae elongabit se, &c. Moneo te iterumque monebo, saith Lactantius to his Demetrian, ne oblectamenta ista terrae pro magnis aut veris bonis habere te credas: quae sunt non tantum fallacia quia dubia, verum etiam insidiosa quia dulcia. a Set not thine heart upon the asses, since thou art in election for a kingdom, and the hearts of all Israel are upon thee.

a Lactant., De Opificio Dei.

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