He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.

Ver. 9. He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed.] How Amalek, the licking people, as the name imports, I mean, the nation of usurers and proud lenders, shall speed, hath been spoken already. Now, on the other side, the bountiful eye, the cheerful giver (as the Septuagint, a and after them St Paul, render, or rather expound, this text), shall be abundantly blessed, for he gives with all his heart; he "draws out" not his sheaf only but "his soul to the hungry." Isa 58:10 Dat bene, dat multum, quia dat cum munere vulture: He spares it out of his own belly to give to the hungry, as some have here gathered from the words "his bread," that which was appointed for his own eating - he voluntarily fasteth from a meal now and then that he may bestow it upon the needy, and he shall not lose his reward.

a Aνδρα ιλαρον και δοτην αγαπα ο Yεος. - Sept.

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