Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? for [riches] certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven.

Ver. 5. Wilt thou set thine eyes, &c.] Heb., Wilt thou cause thine eyes to flee after? &c. Wilt thou flee a fool's pitch, and go hawking after that which cannot be had? or, if had, will not pay for the pains - countervail the cost? Wilt thou cast a leering look after such vanities?

Upon that which is not.] That hath no solid subsistence, though the foolish world call it substance. "The fashion of this world passeth away." 1Co 7:31 The Greek word there used, οχημα, intimateth that there is nothing of any firmness or solid consistence in the creature. Heaven only hath a foundation. Heb 11:10 Earth hath none, but is "hanged upon nothing," as Job speaketh. "Ye rejoice in a thing of nought," saith the prophet to them that "drank wine in bowls," &c. Amos 6:6 ; Amo 6:13

For riches certainly make themselves wings.] As the heathens feigned of their god Pluto. Under these wings let the master hide himself, as Isaiah 28:15; yet with those wings will they fly away, without once taking leave, leaving nothing but the print of talons in his heart to torment him. Riches, saith one, were never true to those that trusted them. To fly from us they make themselves great eagles' wings; to fly to us, or after us, Ne passerinas quidem, a not so much as old sparrows' wings. Temporals, saith another, b are as transitory as a hasty headlong torrent - a shadow, a ship, a bird, an arrow, a post that passeth by; or if you can name anything of swifter wing or sooner gone.

a Augustine.

b Mr Bolton.

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