Lay not wait, O wicked [man], against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place:

Ver. 15. Lay not wait, O wicked man, &c.] Eνθα γαρ οι Yεοι, as that heathen said - God dwells with the righteous; molest him not therefore, beat not up his quarters. The Scythians, saith he in Plutarch, a though they have no music or vines among them, yet they have gods. So, whatever the saints want, they want not God's gracious presence with them. And if wicked men had but so much knowledge of God as Pilate's wife had in a dream, they would take heed of having anything to do with these just men.

a Plut., Sυμπος. επτα σοφων .

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