Proverbs 24:33 [Yet] a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:

Ver. 33. Yet a little sleep.] Mercer makes this to be the lesson that the wise man both learnt himself and also lays before others - viz., to be content with a little sleep - to be up and at it early, &c., that the beggar catch us not. But I rather incline to those that think that he here brings in the sluggard pleading for his sloth, and by an elegant mimesis imitates and personifies him, saying, as he used to do, "yet a little more sleep, a little more slumber," &c. "A little," and yet "sleeps," in the plural. A little he would have, but a little will not serve his turn. See Trapp on " Pro 6:9 " &c.

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