Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? [there is] more hope of a fool than of him.

Ver. 12. Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit?] This foolish wise man, or wise foolish man (for whether of the two to call him I know not, as the chronicler saith of Sir Thomas Moore), is that "dog" spoken of in verse Proverbs 26:11, that forethinks not the evil that followeth upon his returning to his filthy vomit, which, being made much worse by the heat of the sun and open air, maketh him much more sick than before he had been. Similarily, the witless wicked man, insensible of the evil of his way, and highly conceited thereof, goes boldly on, till there be neither hope of better nor place of worse. See Trapp on " Pro 3:7 " See my Common Place of Arrogance.

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