Proverbs 26:14 [As] the door turneth upon his hinges, so [doth] the slothful upon his bed.

Ver. 14. As the door turneth upon his hinges.] But comes not off, unless lifted or knocked off. So neither comes the sluggard out of his feathered nest, where he lies soaking and stretching, unless hard hunger or other necessity rouse and raise him. As abroad there is a lion, so at home there is a lusk, a lurdam, and a losel, that lives in the worm to no purpose - yea, to bad purpose, and being wise in his own conceit, will not accept of better counsel. Those whose heads are laid upon down pillows are not apt to hear noises; no more are those that live at ease in Zion to hearken to wholesome advice, or if sometimes they have a kind of willingness and velleity to do better, yet it is but as the door that turns on the hinges, but yet hangs still upon them.

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