A man that doeth violence to the blood of [any] person shall flee to the pit; let no man stay him.

Ver. 17. A man that doth violence unto the blood.] The Hebrew word Adam, here rendered man, hath one letter in the original less than the rest, Hebrew Text Note to show that a blood shedder is not worthy to be called man. a

Shall flee to the pit, let no man stay him,] i.e., Let him die without mercy; let no man mediate for him, lest he pay down, as Ahab did, life for life, people for people, 1Ki 20:42 lest he draw upon the land guilt of blood, Num 35:33-34 and hinder the man slayer from repentance to salvation never to be repented of. To blame then are the Papists that open sanctuaries to such; and if a cardinal put his red hat upon the head of a murderer going to execution, he is delivered from death. See Deuteronomy 19:13. See Trapp on " Deu 19:13 "

a Buxtorf.

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