Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, [It is] no transgression; the same [is] the companion of a destroyer.

Ver. 24. He that robbeth his father or his mother.] As that idolatrous Micah did his mother of her gold; Jdg 17:2 as Rachel did her father of his gods; as Absalom did David of his crown. Thus, though it may seem a light sin, it is as much greater than stealing from another as parricide is than manslaughter, or as Reuben's incest was than another man's defiling his neighbour's wife. Our parents are our household gods, as that heathen could say; and to give them cause of grief must needs be an offence of a deep dye, of a crimson colour, condemned by the very pagans. a

a Egone patri surripere quicquam possim? - Terent.

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