The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left [to himself] bringeth his mother to shame.

Ver. 15. The rod and reproof give wisdom.] If reproof do the deed, the rod may be spared, and not else. Chrysippus is by some cried out upon as the first that brought the use of a rod into the schools; but there is no doing without it; for children are foolish, apt to imitate others in their vices, before they know them to be vices; and though better taught, yet easily corrupted by evil company, as young lapwings are soon snatched up by every buzzard. Now, therefore, as moths are beaten out of garments with a rod, so must vices out of children's hearts. Vexatio dat intellectum: Smart makes wit; it is put in with the rod of correction. See Proverbs 22:15 .

But a child left to himself bringeth his mother, &c.] For her fondness in cockering of him, and hiding his faults from his father, lest he should correct or cashier him. Mothers have a main hand in education of the children, and usually partus sequitur ventrem, the birth follows the belly, as we see in the kings of Judah, whose mothers are therefore frequently nominated. No wonder, therefore, though the mother deeply share in the shame and grief of her darling's miscarriages. See Proverbs 15:20 .

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