A servant will not be corrected by words: for though he understand he will not answer.

Ver. 19. A servant will not be corrected by words.] Some servants will not, but must have blows. If words will do, they must be chidden with good words, and not reviled. Christians must be "no brawlers, but gentle, showing all meekness to all men"; Tit 3:2 and masters must "do the same things, forbearing threatening, knowing that their Master also is in heaven, neither is there respect of persons with him." Eph 6:9 Severitas nec sit tetra nec tetrica, saith Sidonius. a But because some mastigiae are of so servile a disposition, that they must be beaten to their work, like those Phrygians, Qui non nisi flagris castigantur, that will do nothing longer than scourged to it; or the Russian women, that love that husband best that beats them most, and think themselves else not regarded, unless two or three times a day well favouredly swaddled. b Therefore let him that knows his Master's will, and yet, out of stoutness, sullenness, or laziness, will not do it, be beaten with many stripes; let him be "buffeted for his faults," 1Pe 2:20 and made serviceable in all things, "not gainsaying, not purloining." Tit 2:9-10

a Sidon., Epist.

b Heyl., Geog.

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