An angry man stirreth up strife, and a furious man aboundeth in transgression.

Ver. 22. An angry man stirreth up strife.] See Proverbs 15:18; Proverbs 16:21 .

And a furious man.] Heb. A master of fury; or one that is mastered and overmatched by his fury; that hath no command of his passions, but is transported by them, or - as some make the metaphor, and the original will well bear it - is wedded to them as a man is to his wife: commanded by them, as the Persian kings were by their concubines, being captivarum suarum captivi, a slaves to their slaves. Such a man being big with wrath, not only breeds contention, but brings forth transgression in great abundance, he "sets his mouth against heaven, and his tongue walketh through the earth," &c., Psa 73:9 he lets fly on both hands, and lays about him like a madman.

a Plutarch.

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