By his knowledge the depths are broken up, and the clouds drop down the dew.

Ver. 20. The depths are broken up,] viz., Those great channels and hollow places made in the earth, to hold the waters, Gen 1:9 that they may not overflow the earth; and this the very philosophers are forced to confess to be a work of divine wisdom. Others by "depths" here understand fountains and floods breaking out, and as it were flowing from the nethermost parts of the earth, even as though the earth did cleave itself in sunder, to give them passage.

And the clouds drop down the dew.] Clouds, the bottles of rain and dew, are vessels as thin as the liquor that is contained in them; there they hang, move, though weighty with their burden. How they are upheld, and why they fall here and now, we know not, and wonder.

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