For the froward [is] abomination to the LORD: but his secret [is] with the righteous.

Ver. 32. For the froward is abomination.] The vitilitigator, the wrangler, the common barreter, though he may prosper in the world, yet God cannot abide him; his money will perish with him. He will one day say to his cursed heaps of evil gotten goods, as Charles the Fifth, emperor, in his old age did of his victories, trophies, riches, honours; he cursed them all, saying, Abite hinc, abite longe; Avaunt, be packing, hence, away. a

But his secret.] They shall be of his cabinet council, that choose rather to lie in the dust than to rise by evil arts, by wicked principles; such were Joseph, Macaiah, Daniel, &c.

a Phil. Morn.

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