She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.

Ver. 19. She layeth her hands to the spindle.] a Notwithstanding her late purchase, and planting a vineyard Pro 31:16 and other out businesses. See Trapp on " Pro 31:13 " The two cardinals, Wolsey and Campeius, coming from King Henry VIII on a message to Queen Catherine of Spain, a little before the divorce, found her with a skein of red silk about her neck, being at work with her maiden. b And Queen Anne Boleyn kept her maids, and all that were about her, so busied in sewing and working, that neither was there seen any idleness among them, nor any leisure to follow such pastimes as are usually in princes' courts. c

a Lucretia inter ancillas ad Lucernam fila ducebat.

b Life and Death of Cardinal Wolsey, p. 69.

c Acts and Mon., fol. 957.

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