Give not thy strength unto women, nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.

Ver. 3. Give not thy strength to women.] Waste not unworthily the fat and marrow of thy dear and precious time, the strength of thy body, the vigour of thy spirits, in sinful pleasures and sensual delights. See Proverbs 5:9 .

Nor thy ways to that which destroyeth kings.] Venery is called by one death's best harbinger. It was the destruction of Alexander the Great, of Otho the emperor (called for his good parts otherwise Miraculum mundi), of Pope Sextus the Fourth (qui decessit tabidus voluptate, saith the historian, died of a wicked waste), and of Pope Paul the Fourth, of whom it passed for a proverb, Eum per eandem partem animam profudisse per quam acceperat. The Lacedemonian commonwealth was by the hand of divine justice utterly overturned at Leuctra, for a rape committed by their messengers on the two daughters of Scedosus. And what befell the Benjamites on a like occasion is well known out of Judges 20:29,48, that I speak not of the slaughter of the Shechemites, Gen 34:25-29 &c.

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