For they [are] life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

Ver. 22. For they are life.] See Trapp on " Pro 3:22 " See Trapp on " Pro 3:16 "

And health unto all their flesh] Sin is the cause of sickness. 1Co 11:20 "Sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee." Joh 5:14 But "the joy of the Lord is a man's strength"; Neh 8:10 and such "a merry heart doeth good, like a medicine." Pro 17:22 As sin is a universal sickness, Isa 1:5-6 like those diseases wherein physicians say are corruptio totius substantiae, a corruption of the whole substance, as the heretic, &c.; so grace is a Catholicon, a general cure, like the herb Panace, whdch is said to be good for all diseases; whence also, saith Pliny, it hath its name. a

a A παν et ακεω .

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